License Agreement / Terms of Use
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All Lunagirl Images products are created, produced and published exclusively by Lunagirl and © Lunagirl Images.
PLEASE NOTE: Some individual images are protected by copyright as "derivative works" due to our creative alterations made to the originals.
- Any and ALL PERSONAL NON-COMMERCIAL USE is Encouraged! You may use/print unlimited copies of images or collage sheets for your own personal non-commercial use: cards, scrapbooks, jewelry, tags, decor, you name it. Alter them as needed for your own non-commercial use. Permission applies to purchaser only (and immediate household); please don't redistribute to others -- but please do refer your friends :-)
Make Art! Incorporate images into unique collage art, fabric art or mixed media art projects, which may be sold if "one of a kind." Alter as needed to suit your creativity. If your work is displayed online or published, credit Lunagirl Images or for the image(s) used.
(If you wish to make craft supplies for resale, please contact us for permission.)
[Note: For unique one-of-a-kind artwork, there is no limit to how many images may be used! We ask only that you credit Lunagirl Images if your work is displayed online or published.]
Create Handmade Items! (and sell them if you like, with credit to Lunagirl Images) Yes, please create handmade cards, jewelry, scrapbook pages, decoupaged items, ornaments, etc., to sell, and please create labels and tags for your handmade items.
If you wish to make a large number of reproductions, sell craft supplies, or do large-scale commercial printing please contact us for permission (
- Educators/Teachers Welcome! You are welcome to use Lunagirl images in a class or workshop you teach. All we ask is that you remember to credit Lunagirl Images. If you use Lunagirl collage sheets in a class or workshop you teach, we require that you distribute the full unaltered sheet with Lunagirl Images name and copyright notice intact. That's it.
- Perfect for Personal Webpages: Use up to 10 images on your own web page with credit and link to All Lunagirl images displayed in online listings should be watermarked “Lunagirl Images.” If you display a Lunagirl image on your blog, please link to and don't let it open up to full size for others to copy or download.
Auction templates on ebay, banners on etsy, etc.: Just contact us for permission. Usually OK with credit/link to (Other professional graphic design and web design for third parties usually requires purchase of an additional license.)
- Questions? Email us and we'll be glad to help.
In a nutshell: don't resell Lunagirl Images or give them away, don't sell craft supplies or similar products that compete with ours, and if you want to do mass marketing or professional design, contact us first... but here's the detailed version:
- Lunagirl collections and collage sheets may not be copied, shared, redistributed or resold, in whole or in part, in any printed or digital format. Individual images may not be resold or distributed alone or as part of any other compilation or design resource (including, but not limited to, prints, CD, DVD, downloads, e-cards, templates, scrapbook kits, digital scrapbooking kits).
- Lunagirl images may not be used to create any supplies or design elements for sale, whether digital or pre-printed (including, but not limited to, sale of collage sheets, stickers, “tubes,” fabric squares, etc.)
- Images may not be used for sale of items on “print-on-demand” sites (like Cafepress or Zazzle) without permission.
- Images may not be stored on any public server or network accessible by anyone other than the licensee and may not be uploaded to image sharing sites.
- No image may be used as a trademark or service mark. No image may be used for any unlawful purpose or use.
- Most professional uses require purchase of an additional license. For mass commercial printing, professional graphic design, third-party advertising or marketing, or sale of items in very large numbers we offer royalty-free commercial licensing. For use in media production or sale of greeting cards or prints we offer professional use licensing. Inquire at
Use of any Lunagirl Images compilation or image in any form from any source constitutes agreement to these Terms of Use. By using a Lunagirl CD, collage sheet or image you agree to be bound by these terms of use.
If you have made a purchase which has not yet shipped, and these Terms of Use are not acceptable to you, please contact us and we will be glad to cancel your order for you.
A Note about Copyright and Public Domain
Most Lunagirl image compilations include some significantly and creatively altered images; some Lunagirl collections are composed entirely of altered images. Although the originals may have been "public domain," the altered versions constitute derivative works which are entitled to copyright protection. Yes, it's true! Read more on our FAQs page.
INDIVIDUAL IMAGES MAY BE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT AND ALL IMAGES ARE PROTECTED BY THIS BINDING LICENSE AGREEMENT. Individual images may not be resold or distributed alone or as part of any other compilation or design resource, in either printed or digital form.

Legalese / Disclaimer
(stuff the lawyer tells us to say!)
All Lunagirl images are subject to the terms of this license agreement (unless an additional license is purchased).
Purchase of a Lunagirl image collection, CD, collage sheet or image is the purchase of a non-exclusive, non-transferable right to use the digital files in accordance with the terms of this agreement and does not transfer intellectual property rights.
It is the full and final responsibility of the buyer to make a legal determination regarding the suitability of any specific image for any specific purpose, commercial or otherwise. Except for any liability which cannot by law be limited or excluded, Lunagirl Images and SummertownSun Publishing LLC disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. Lunagirl Images, SummertownSun Publishing LLC, and the owners and agents thereof will not be held liable for any claims, damages, costs or expenses that may arise from any use of any image in our compilations or the media itself. This includes, but is not limited to, direct, indirect, consequential or compensatory damages, loss of or damage to data, property, profit or income, and claims of third parties.
The permissions contained herein may be revoked at any time, in whole or in part, without prior notice. Failure to comply with any term or condition herein will result in automatic revocation of all permissions contained herein and termination of this license agreement.
All rights not expressly granted are reserved.
Different and/or additional terms may apply to images under a commercial use or professional use licensure.
We appreciate all our visitors. However, we reserve the right to cancel and refund any order at our discretion.
“Lunagirl Images” is a registered trademark.